Verità · truth in art

Verità is born from the belief that art is for everyone.

With a PhD in art history and years of experience in the commercial art world, we’ve seen it all: discrimination, racism, sexual harassment, inflated prices, dishonesty, and exclusion. We say enough to this toxicity.

Instead, we have curated for you a beautiful selection of vintage and contemporary fine art at fair prices, sold with transparency and a smile. The emphasis is on works by women artists as well as modernism and design history, but we like to think that we offer something for everyone.

Verità is our passion project—our way to use our knowledge to help others bring joy into their spaces with unique works of art—and hopefully to put away a few dollars in our kids’ university savings!

In addition to our online store, Verità works with corporate clients, law firms, small businesses, and individuals to carry out appraisals, estate planing and organization, and personal shopping. We also offer art rentals and display for sale arrangements with Toronto retail businesses.

Contact us to discuss your individual needs!